La sostenibilità nel business si riferisce a fare affari senza avere un impatto negativo sull'ambiente, sulla comunità o sulla società, riflettendo così l'effetto reciproco delle sue tre componenti (business, ambiente e società). Un esempio del concetto in termini di sostenibilità sociale sono le imprese sociali, che possono operare in qualsiasi campo e generare profitti come qualsiasi altra attività. Tuttavia, il loro profitto viene reinvestito e soddisfa una chiara missione sociale che ha un impatto positivo su una comunità. Nel campo della protezione ambientale attiva e della minimizzazione degli impatti negativi sulla natura, ci riferiamo all'imprenditoria verde, che rappresenta un'enorme opportunità di business per il mondo decarbonizzato entro il 2050.
AfB was founded in 2004 and currently operates in Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, and France. It is a social enterprise that solves both the social and environmental challenges of society.
It currently employs approximately 600 employees, roughly half of whom are employees with disabilities.
Its environmental contribution and the application of circular economy principles in the field of IT equipment recovery are also significant: "In 2022, the AfB company reached a record number of 528,000 processed IT and mobile devices. Compared to the previous year, it significantly increased its device remarketing rate to 64%, giving a second chance at life to up to two out of three devices processed. By extending the life of the equipment, the AfB company, compared to the production of new equipment, has saved 22,800 tons of natural raw materials and 170,800 MWh of primary energy. It saved 318 million liters of water and 44,700 tons of greenhouse gases.”
AfB takes discarded hardware from partner companies (more than 1,000) in which it certifiably removes data and then modifies it so that it can be used again. It is proud of the "Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher (MAR)" sign and provides a complete package of services to its clients (taking over, refurbishing, hardware recycling, etc.). AfB also offers support services, including software installation and IT servicing. Additionally, through cooperation with partners, this refurbished IT technology also finds "a new home" in schools and centers in less developed regions in Slovakia.
In the long term, AfB plans to fill 500 jobs for employees with disabilities and become a world leader in IT social entrepreneurship.